Welcome! This is a site for tea drinkers, coffee fanatics and cake munchers. This is a site for people watchers, and those who like to lunch. This is a site for all the people that will walk a mile in the rain- just so they can get to that little place that does the fancy muffins.
Tea drinking is a serious business. Starbucks turned over a profit of £316 million last year, and PG Tips claim that we drink 35 million cups of their tea every single day. Britain, the tea drinking nation, are just a little bit obsessed with a good old cup of char, and I'm happy to say I'm one of them.
But tea isn't just for the morning, mid-afternoon office slump or whilst you're watching Eastenders. That's just builders brew- designed to drag us through the day. This site focuses on the glory of Real Tea, the kind that gets poured in bone china and served next to a hot crisp crumpet. That tea is a whole different kettle of...um, fish.
I will be travelling the globe (or Kent for now) to sample and review the best tearooms, cafes and cake shops around- all so you might know where to get the best afternoon treat for your money. If you have any suggestions, questions or experiences- please send them in to teadrinkingnation@gmail.com.
Chink chink!